VersionEye API : Dependency stable

At the last DevCamp in KA I had some good discussion about the VersionEye API. That’s why I enhanced it a little bit. I just introduced a new attribute to the project dependencies. The “stable” attribute. If this is true than that means that the newest version is stable, otherwise the newest version is unstable. In that case it could be an alpha or beta version. If this is the case we display the dependency with an yellow background instead of a red background.

Screen Shot 2013-03-25 at 11.19.46 AM Here is the color code we are using at VersionEye: 

if unknown == true
  return "gray"
elsif outdated == true && stable == true
  return "red"
elsif outdated == true && stable == false
  return "yellow"
  return "green"

Published by Robert Reiz

CEO @ VersionEye. Passionated software developer since 1998.

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